Hi there, big
guy! I'm Crazy
Tracy! I've got
a little secret
for sale that'll
pump you up!
Will you give me
28 Rupees for my
Give Don't<ask>
How about it?
42 Rupees for my
little secret...
Give Don't<ask>
All right, come
here and I'll
rub it on you!
...There... I've
applied my own
secret medicine!
It will take
effect when you
lose all heart!
Drop by again,
big guy!
Beat it, then!
Come back when
you have some
... ... ... ...
But I won't sell
it to you!
Well! I'm only
offering you a
secret that will
make you strong!
You're such a
...You're so
cute! I'll give
you a 7 Rupee
Let's heal your
wounds and get
rid of all that
stress... Close
your eyes and
Dovol mi uzdravit veškeré tvé šrámy na těle i na duši... Jenom zavři oči a uvolni se...
Aye Caramba!
Kid, you have a
lot to learn,
trying to buy
something you
have no use for!
Proboha! Chlapče, musíte se ještě hodně naučit... proč si kupujete něco, co na nic nevyužijete?
Bow & Arrow Set
Only 980 Rupees!
Buy No Way<ask>
Sada * jen za 980 *!
Bow & Arrow Set
Only 980 Rupees!
Buy No Way<ask>
10 Arrows
10 Rupees
Buy Don't<ask>
Sada 10 * za 10 *
Hey! Welcome!
See something
you like?! Just
bring it here!
Vítám vás!
Pokud se vám něco z vystaveného zboží bude líbit, stačí mi to sem přinést!
Hey! You! Stop!
You gotta pay!
Put it back!
Hej! Vy! Stůjte!
Musíte za to nejdřív zaplatit! Položte to zpět!
Deluxe Shovel
200 Rupees!
Seems expensive!
Buy No Way!
* za 200 *! Docela drahá!
Odmítnout <ask>
Three Hearts
10 Rupees!
Buy Don't<ask>
3 * za 10 *!
20 Rupees!
Buy Don't<ask>
* za 20 *!
Ten Bombs
10 Rupees
Buy Don't<ask>
10 * za 10 *
Odmítnout <ask>
Sorry, kid! You
don't have the
Rupees! Come
back when you
have the cash!
Promiňte, chlapče! Na to nemáte dost *! Vraťte se, až budete mít čím zaplatit!
Thanks a lot!
And come again!
Děkuji mnohokrát! A přijďte zase!
Guess what? You
got it for free.
Are you proud of
Víš, co jsi udělal? Odnesl sis to bez placení. Jsi na sebe teď hrdý?
I wasn't kidding
when I said pay!
Now, you'll pay
the ultimate
S tím placením jsme nežertoval! Teď zaplatíš za všechno!
One Play 10 Rs.
Play No<ask>
The A and B
Buttons move the
crane...The rest
is just timing!
Go over to the
buttons to play!
Good Luck!
It's a Shield!
There is space
for your name!
Challenge Again?
Play No<ask>
Good Luck!
We're closing up
for today! Come
again, anytime!
You got some
Magic Powder!
Try to sprinkle
it on many
It's 30 Rupees!
You can play the
game three more
times with this!
Cough Cough...
Don't sprinkle
that on me...
...I'll have to
curse you!
Cough Cough...
You got a Yoshi
Doll! Recently,
he seems to be
showing up in
many games!
How about some
fishing, little
buddy? I'll only
charge you 10
Fish Not Now
You have to have
more passion!
Live a little!
Okay, here's how
you do it. Use
<left> and <right> on the <dpad>
to aim a cast.
Once you hook a
fish, press the
Button rapidly
to reel him in!
Why not try one
more time,
little buddy?
Cast Not Now
Wow! That one
got away! Want
to try again?
Cast Not Now
Wow! Nice Fish!
It's a lunker!!
I'll give you a
20 Rupee prize!
Try again?
Cast Not Now
This pond's all
fished out. Why
not try your
luck in the sea?
Okay No<ask>
Did I say that?
Forget it, okay?
Run along now...
It's a runt!
I'll only give
you a 5 Rupees
prize for that.
You should try
Okay No<ask>
You're short of
Rupees? Don't
worry about it.
You just come
back when you
have more money,
little buddy.
Ribbit! Ribbit!
Hey, man, I'm
Mamu, on vocals!
Brother, you
look like you
don't know
squat about
music! Ribbit!
Kvák! Mír, brácho.
Jsem *, frontman! Nic proti, brácho, ale vypadáš jak někdo, kdo o hudbě ví bobek. Kvák!
Ribbit! Ribbit!
I'm Mamu, on
vocals! But I
don't need to
tell you that,
do I? Everybody
knows me! Want
to hang out and
listen to us
jam? For 300
Rupees, we'll
let you listen
to a previously
unreleased cut!
What do you do?
Pay Leave<ask>
Kvák. Jsem *, frontman!
Ale to ti nemusím říkat, viď, brácho? Mě zná každý! Zrovna zkoušíme, ale klídek, vůbec nerušíš! Za 300 * můžeš pobýt a poslechnout si ještě nezveřejněné číslo!
Co uděláš?
Thank you...
Thank you very
much... Croak!
Díky! Díky vám všem!
Well, that's a
shame, but we
don't play for
To smůla, brácho. Zadarmo ani žába nekváká!
You've learned
The Frog's Song
of Soul! It's a
very moving
tune... It can
even liven up
unliving things!
If you play this
song, you'll
make everything
around you feel
more alive!
Když hraješ tuhle píseň, cítíš, jak se vše okolo tebe probouzí životem!
Hey, Kid! You
woke me up from
a fine nap!!
...Thanks a lot!
But now, I'll
get my revenge!
Are you ready?!
Yes N-No<ask>
Fakt paráda, zrovna se mi tak hezky spalo! To teda mockrát děkuju!
Ti to teď pěkně oplatím! Jsi připraven?!
I'll let you
carry more Magic
Powder! He He!
Are you ready?!
Yes N-No<ask>
Umožním ti mít při sobě víc *! He he! Jsi připraven?!
Okay, I'll let
you carry more
Bombs! He He He!
Are you ready?!
Yes N-No<ask>
Tak fajn, nechám tě tahat víc *! He he he! Jsi připraven?!
Fine, I'll let
you have more
arrows! Heh Heh!
Are you ready?!
Yes N-No<ask>
Dobrá tedy, zařídím, abys nosil víc šípů! Heh heh! Jsi připraven?!
Heh Heh Heh!
You deserve it!
Now look at all
that junk you
have to carry!
Hah! Take care!
See you again!
Meh heh heh! To si zasloužíš! Užij si nošení všech těch blbostí!
Hah! Tak se měj! Zas příště!
Want to go on a
raft ride for a
hundred Rupees?
Yes No Way<ask>
Okay, the raft
is ready for you
outside! Enjoy!
Wow! <name>, can
I try this?!
What do you say?
Okay No Way<ask>
Fíha! <name:5>, můžu si to zkusit?! Co na to říkáš?
Radši ne
C'mon! I want
to do it! Can I?
It looks so fun!
Yes Okay<ask>
Ale no tak! Chci si to vyzkoušet! Můžu? Vypadá to jako pořádná švanda!
Tak jo
You're good!
You're a pro,
aren't you?
... ... ... ...
Well, beat it!
Pros aren't
allowed in here!
Jste vážně dobrá! Nejste vy náhodou profík?
... ... ... ...
Tak alou ven! Profíkům je vstup zakázán!
It's all ready,
it is! Take
care, as there's
not much there!
Why not try a
bit in my hut?
Už to je! Všecičko už to je!
Měli by tím ale šetřit, náš prášek je vzácný! Velmi vzácný! Proč ho neozkoušejí na věci v mé chaloupce? Jen ať se nebojí ho ozkoušet na všechno...
I am the spirit
of the mansion.
I have been
waiting for
someone to
overcome the
darkness. Find
all the secret
shells and go
through the
gate to receive
the ultimate
Jsem duch *. Dlouho jsem čekal na někoho, kdo prosvítí temnotu.
Nalezni všechny * a projdi bránou. Jen tak získáš ultimátní *.
Hmmm. No
response. You
must not have
enough shells.
Hmmmm. Žádná reakce. Asi nemáš dost *.
My job here
is finished.
Můj úkol zde je splněn.
Oh! It's a big
one! And it has
a Piece of
Heart, too! You
get a 20 Rupee
prize on top of
that! Try again?
Yes No<ask>
Oh! It's a big
one! And it has
a Piece of
Heart, too! You
have completed
another Heart
Container! On
top of that, you
get a 20 Rupee
prize! Want to
try again?
Yes No<ask>