Číslo #648
Identifier 648
Mluvčí: owl statue
If there is a door that you can't open, move a stone block.
ミチ トザサレシ ヘヤノ トビラ シカクノ イシヲ ウゴカスベシ


Přidat revizi #2

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  • 00 Revize #1 — sczther
    Pokud najdeš dvěře, které neotevřeš, pohni kamenným kvádrem.


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02. 01. 2018 11:55

<~GlitterBerri> This hint is written in ye olde japanese

<~GlitterBerri> "If a chamber door is blocked / movest thou a nearby rock."

<~GlitterBerri> nyohoho

<~GlitterBerri> again, the original doesn't rhyme

<~GlitterBerri> "If the door to a room is blocked, you should move a square rock."